My Mother, The Liar: Book 4

· Được bán bởi HarperCollins UK
13 bài đánh giá
Sách điện tử
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Giới thiệu về sách điện tử này

Every family has a secret...

When Rachel Porter’s estranged mother dies, she returns to her family home filled with dread about having to face her past, and the people who populated it.

Little does she know that there are dead bodies waiting to be discovered, and a lifetime of secrets are about to unravel.

Secrets kept by her mother, the liar.

From the author of The Lost Child, and The Forgotten Room. Perfect for fans of The Secret Mother and Linda Green.

Praise for The Forgotten Room:

‘Addictive. A first-class page-turner.’ Lisa Hall

‘One of the best books I’ve read in ages.’ Amazon Reader

‘Creepy, dark and twisty!’ Amazon Reader

‘A dark and twisted novel that had me guessing and second guessing the ending through out.’ Amazon Reader

‘I couldn't put this book down – gripping to the end.’ Amazon Reader

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13 bài đánh giá

Giới thiệu tác giả

ANN TROUP tells tales and can always make something out of nothing. She lives by the sea in Devon with her husband and said dog. Two children have been known to remember the house which they call home, but mainly when they are in need of a decent roast dinner, it’s Christmas or when only Mum will do. In a former incarnation she was psychiatric nurse, an experience that frequently informs her writing and which supplies a never-ending source of inspiration. You can contact Ann on Facebook or at

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