My One Regret

· My One Cartea 1 · Claudia Burgoa
4 recenzii
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He was a rockstar.

A Legend. And a Single Father.

I should’ve stayed away.

I just couldn’t resist him.

We were happy until he texted.

We need to talk.

The last famous words

But I knew I needed to let him go.

It was over.

We were never meant to be together.

Just like everyone else, he left.

I couldn’t handle touring with his rock band and a relationship

Until I discovered Sadie. The love of my life.

When I left her, I made the biggest mistake of my life.

But when tragedy struck, my world came apart.

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Despre autor

Claudia is an award-winning, USA Today bestselling author. She writes alluring, thrilling stories about complicated women and the men who take their breath away.

She lives in Denver, Colorado with her husband and her youngest two children. She has a sweet Bichon, Macey, who thinks she’s the ruler of the house. She’s only partially right.

When Claudia is not writing, you can find her reading, knitting, or just hanging out with her family. At night, she likes to binge-watch shows with her equally geeky husband.

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