Mystery At Little Faith Community Church

· The Doreen Sizemore Adventures წიგნი 7 · L. J. Emory Publishing

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What's a church supposed to do on a Sunday morning when the preacher disappears? 

The Little Faith Church of South Shore, Kentucky, is shocked when their minister, the Reverend Jimmy Bell, doesn't show up to preach his sermon. The whole town is mystified until their reluctant amateur sleuth, Doreen Sizemore, discovers a clue. 

ავტორის შესახებ

USA Today Best Selling Author Serena B. Miller has won numerous awards, including the RITA, the CAROL, and was a finalist for the CHRISTY Award. A movie, Love Finds You in Sugarcreek, was based on the first of her Love's Journey in Sugarcreek series, The Sugar Haus Inn, and won the coveted Templeton Epiphany Award. Another movie based on her novel, An Uncommon Grace, airs on Hallmark regularly. She lives in southern Ohio, in the country, surrounded by three hardworking sons, three talented daughters-in-law, six utterly brilliant grandchildren, and five lazy porch dogs. When she isn't writing, researching, or traveling, she spends her time playing with grandchildren, failing at yet another decluttering mission, or sitting on the front porch counting her blessings.

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