Mystery Heiress

· HarperCollins UK
1 iritzi
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Jessica Holmes had come to Minneapolis looking for a miracle. Her sweet little girl's life was in jeopardy, and only a blood relative could help–only a Fortune.

Amid all the skeptics who said she was after the Fortunes' money, just one man believed Jessica's story. Dr. Stephen Hunter vowed he would fight to save her precious daughter. But he hadn't counted on fighting his own feelings for this remarkable woman, whose beauty and spirit tempted his hardened heart....

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1 iritzi

Egileari buruz

A Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, Illinois, and a former reporter who covered local politics and criminal courts as well as undertaking investigative and feature assignments, Suzanne Carey has been writing novels for Silhouette Books since the early 1980's. Though she was born in Illinois, she has been a resident of Florida for many years. She and the man in her life, a clinical psychologist who is now a university professor, reside in Sarasota, on Florida’s Gulf Coast.

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