Naughty Nancy and the Judge

Zero Tolerance
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Adult read.

Explicit age play erotic story. 

From the #1 Erotic Short Story Best Selling Author Jessie Carr. 

DICTIONARY: Age play the act of an adult pretending to be much younger than they are, usually for mutual sexual gratification. 


He sat on the big sofa smoking one of his cigars, and as soon as I came in he spoke again. 'You know I hate to punish you baby, but you've got to learn discipline, you understand that don't you, he almost sounded sorry

'Yes daddy I said back to him, 'whatever my Daddy says must be right'

‘Now go and stand in front of the mirror'

I obeyed immediately, knowing he'd get even angrier if I didn’t hurry.

I looked at myself in the mirror, I did it every time, first I looked at my black and white canvas flat shoes, and my long white socks, then my little tartan standard issue uniform skirt the hem only a few inches down my tanned skinny thighs, and my white cotton short-sleeve blouse with the big blue collar and puffy shoulders, I could see my tiny bra through the thin material. 

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