Nebula Awards Showcase 2010

· በPenguin የተሸጠ

ስለዚህ ኢ-መጽሐፍ

The year's best science fiction and fantasy in one essential volume.

An annual commemoration, the Nebula Awards are presented by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America to those members whose imaginations refine and re-define the infinite storytelling possibilities found within the genre. The Nebula Awards Showcase represents the best of the best in fantasy in one indispensible collection.

This year's compilation includes stories by:
?Ursula K. LeGuin
?Catherine Asaro
?John Kessel
?Nina Kiriki Hoffman
?Harry Harrison, this year's Grandmaster


Bill Fawcett has been a professor, teacher, corporate executive, and college dean, and is the author or coauthor of more than a dozen books, including 100 Mistakes That Changed History100 More Mistakes that Changed History, and 101 Stumbles in the March of History. His company, Bill Fawcett & Associates, has packaged more than 250 titles for virtually every major publisher. He is also one of the founders of Mayfair Games, a board and role-play gaming company.

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