In confronting the contradiction between social marginalisation and educational expectations, Learning at the Practice Interface explores new approaches to education systems and knowledge production. Part A raises questions regarding knowledge, pedagogy and social justice that are central to schooling and which support values weakened by neoliberalism. These values include democracy, equity, community collaboration and deference towards knowledge and culture not dependent on wealth and status. Part B explores practical issues related to how knowledge is engaged in the school curriculum. This discussion goes to the heart of learning at the practice interface and suggests that the lack of epistemological strategies based on sociological description has created serious estrangement from school knowledge for large numbers of students. Part C discusses a critical view of knowledge in relation to research, teaching and learning and the education profession generally. The need for a new reflexive sociology of knowledge is proposed to guide educational dialogue and action such that connections can be made between progressive sociology and epistemology in the interests of all children.
This book will be of interest to academics and researchers in the Sociology of Education, Teacher Education, and Education Reform.
Neil Hooley is a lecturer in the College of Education at Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia.