Nessie Celebrates Christmas: An Illustrated Children's Christmas Picture Book

Nessie's Untold Tales Kirja 1 · Peryton Press
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Nessie the Loch Ness monster isn't as scary as you might think!

She's friendly and curious and likes to play with her friends.

She's never celebrated Christmas though...because she doesn't know what that is!

With the help of her friend the otter, she finds out why humans have trees full of candles and give each other presents.

That gives her an idea... If humans can do it, monsters can too, right?

Are you ready to find out how Nessie celebrates Christmas at the bottom of Loch Ness?

An illustrated picture book about friendship and the true meaning of Christmas. This book is non-religious and not about the biblical origin of Christmas.

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Tietoja kirjoittajasta

Isla Wynter lives in Scotland with two cuddly bunnies, a lonely pot plant and a horde of imaginary friends.

She believes in unicorns and plans to one day convince the world of that fact.

Until then, she continues to write stories for children and young adults.

Ari Vampari can only be seen at night, and only if you send tasty snacks. She loves to write and draw, as well as making wands in her spare time.

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