New Directions in Dream Interpretation

· State University of New York Press
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This book presents in detail seven contemporary approaches to dream interpretation as they are actually practiced by highly skilled and experienced psychiatrists and psychologists who have worked with dreams for at least a decade. The reader can sample radically different approaches from various schools of interpetation and gain the tools for making meaningful comparisons. The contributors describe their theoretical roots and how they have departed from them when confronted with the real world of real dreamers. Each chapter teaches the reader in practical terms what to do when trying to understand a dream of one's own, or one's friend, colleague, or client. Readers are taken behind the curtain of theory into the consultation room where the work of interpretation takes place.

This book provides a variety of contemporary, non-dogmatic, practical ways to work with dreams. Each contributor emphasizes not theory, but interpretive method and practical application of dream interpretation. Contributors to this volume include John E. Beebe, Eric Craig, Gayle Delaney, Loma K. Flowers, Ramon Greenberg, Milton Kramer, Joe Natterson, Chester Arthur Pearlman, Montague Ullman, and Stephen J. Walsh.

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Gayle Delaney is a Dream Psychologist and Co-Director of the Delaney and Flowers Center for the Study of Dreams. She is the Founding President of the Association for the Study of Dreams.

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