New Media for a New China

· John Wiley & Sons විසින් විකුණයි

මෙම ඉ-පොත ගැන

New Media for a New China is a timely introduction to the current state of the mass media in China and it’s growing role in the 21st Century global communication system
  • Brings together an international cast of scholars to analyse the diverse roles of China’s media, covering all the major industries (advertising, newspapers, broadcasting, magazines, film, TV, PR)

  • Considers the position of China’s media in the middle of the country’s tremendous social, economic and political changes

  • Explores the concept of the 21st century as “China’s Century” because of the nation’s unprecedented growth

කර්තෘ පිළිබඳ

William A. Hachten is Professor Emeritus of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Wisconsin-Madison where he taught for 30 years. His publications include: The Troubles of Journalism, Third Edition (2005), The Growth of Media in the Third World (1993), and The Press and Apartheid (1984).

James F. Scotton is Associate Professor of Journalism at Marquette University, Milwaukee. He has taught in China, Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria, and Uganda, and has worked as a reporter, editorial writer, and editor with the Associated Press and newspapers in several states.

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