New York School of Interior Design: Home: The Foundations of Enduring Spaces

· Predajca: Clarkson Potter
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"An essential text for all students of design . . . [and] inspiration and intel for those simply interested in the art and practice." --Alexa Hampton, from the foreword

From the nation's top college for interior design comes a definitive design school in a book and a fabulous reference for decorating the home.
 In the past decade, New York School of Interior Design, which was founded in 1916, has drawn a large crossover audience of passionate decorating enthusiasts and hobbyists--many of them private homeowners who know that thinking like a professional is the surest way to achieve a magnificent home.
This lavishly illustrated and highly detailed interior design bible provides a comprehensive education on home design and decor, from color theory principles to space-specific considerations (choosing furniture for a living room) and collaborating with architects and other professionals for the best results. Built on the Home Study Course that is the foundation of the school's curriculum, this book offers an unparalleled mastery of the key elements of enduring design, rendering it the only book you'll ever need.

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8 recenzií

O autorovi

ELLEN S. FISHER is the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Dean of the New York School of Interior Design. She began her career with NYSID in 1999 as a member of the faculty. Fisher is a New York State Certified Interior Designer who maintains an active residential and commercial design practice in the New York metropolitan area. She earned a PhD in Architectural Studies/Human Environmental Sciences from the University of Missouri in 2011.

JEN RENZI is a freelance writer and a special projects editor at Interior Design magazine. A former editor of House & Garden, her work has appeared in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Architectural Digest, and House Beautiful, among others. She has also written, produced, or contributed to more than ten books, including The Furniture Bible, Vera: The Art and Life of an IconJonathan Adler on Happy Chic, and Domino: The Book of Decorating

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