Night Watch (Mills & Boon Intrigue)

· HarperCollins UK
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Táto e‑kniha

When U.S. Navy SEAL Chief Wes Skelly was sent to L.A. on assignment, he agreed to go on a blind date with beautiful single mother Brittany Evans, sister-in-law of a fellow SEAL.

After all, he had been secretly in love for years, albeit with a woman who belonged to another man. So what did he have to lose? Plenty, it turned out. Because suddenly, the woman he thought he could never have was available.

However, so was Brittany–and not only that, she was in danger. Because of him. He knew he could keep her safe. But why was he increasingly certain that he was the one in danger?

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O autorovi

Suzanne Brockmann is an award-winning author of more than fifty books and is widely recognized as one of the leading voices in romantic suspense. Her work has earned her repeated appearances on the New York Times bestseller list, as well as numerous awards, including Romance Writers of America’s #1 Favorite Book of the Year and two RITA awards. Suzanne divides her time between Siesta Key and Boston. Visit her at

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