No Quarter_Dominium_Volume 3

· MJL Evans and GM O'Connor
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Volume 3 of 6 begins at the local fayre where enemies meet a shocking end and Capitaine la Roche follows a lead to find Livia, Atia’s sister. Betrayals lurk at every turn and a disastrous fire erupts leading to a punishing chase through the city. Will Atia and Capitaine la Roche make the escape from Port Royal to Dr. Strangewayes’s plantation?

Series Description: 

Ye All Are Warned – be gone if you abhor sex, foul language, crude humor, and beaky parrots.

1689 Port Royal, Jamaica. Atia Crisp and her sister Livia are shipwrecked and sold into slavery. They are separated and Atia is used as a pawn in a deadly card game at the Swiftsure Tavern until she is liberated by sugar merchant Capitaine la Roche. They take refuge at Cherry Red's Boutique (brothel) and meet up with allies including the medication loving Dr. Strangewayes. 

Capitaine la Roche (also known as the pirate, Gator Gar), has a past stained with blood and grief. La Roche works with a network of friends and allies including local strumpet, Cherry Banks, Theodore Binge the card shark and the kindly, Dr. Strangewayes. Soon after Atia and la Roche are ushered away to safety after a mysterious outbreak of scarlet fever wreaks havoc on the city. 

Within the luxuriant tropical confines of Dr. Strangewayes's plantation at the foothills of the Blue Mountains, bonds of friendship are formed and the fierce love between Atia and Capitaine la Roche becomes absolute. 

However, nowhere is safe as spies seek out both Atia and la Roche for the bounties on their heads. 

Neither of them can escape the shadows of their former lives. Their journey leads them to an inevitable conflict that threatens their world, but inches them closer towards freedom.

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