Keyword Tags: Zack Decker, Decker’s War, sci-fi, science fiction, military science fiction, war, space marine, space infantry, pathfinder, space opera, science fiction action adventure, alien invasion, space fleet, sci-fi adventure, military sci-fi, Eric Thomson, science fiction series, interstellar war, galactic war, space pirates, mercenary, espionage, thriller, naval intelligence, undercover operations, black ops
Eric Thomson is my pen name. I'm a retired Canadian soldier with thirty-one years of service, both in the Regular Army and the Army Reserve. I spent my Regular Army career in the Infantry and my Reserve service in the Armoured Corps. I hold two military parachutist qualifications and am a graduate of the Royal Military College (St-Jean), the Royal Canadian School of Infantry, the Army Tactics School, the Armoured Reconnaissance Squadron Commander's course as well as the Canadian Army Command and Staff College and the Canadian Forces College. I spent several years as an Information Technology specialist before leaving the bowels of the demented bureaucracy to become a full-time author. I've been a voracious reader of science-fiction, military fiction and history all my life, assiduously devouring the recommended Army reading list in my younger days and still occasionally returning to the classics for inspiration. Several years ago, I put my fingers to the keyboard and started writing my own military sci-fi, with a definite space opera slant, using many of my own experiences as a soldier as an inspiration for my stories and characters. When I'm not writing fiction, I indulge in my other passions: photography, hiking and scuba diving, all of which I've shared with my wife, who likes to call herself my #1 fan, for more than thirty years.