Northrop Frye's Uncollected Prose

· University of Toronto Press
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Northrop Frye’s Uncollected Prose, which features twenty-one pieces in the form of notes, prefaces, reviews, and talks, is the latest addition to the impressive body of writing by and about Frye. Among the highlights of the collection are Frye’s “Notes on Romance,” written in preparation for the lectures that eventually became The Secular Scripture; a newly discovered early notebook, parts of which may date from his second year as an undergraduate at Victoria College; and a pair of previously unavailable interviews. Expertly introduced by Robert D. Denham, one of the leading editors of Frye’s papers, Northrop Frye’s Uncollected Prose offers valuable insight into Frye’s early life, his research methodology, and thought process, and is further proof of the remarkable depth and range of his work.

Apie autorių

Northrop Frye (1912-1991) was one of the twentieth century's most influential English scholars and literary critics. Northrop Frye was a professor in the Department of English at Victoria University in the University of Toronto from 1939 until his death. His works include Words with Power and Anatomy of Criticism.

Robert D. Denham is the John P. Fishwick Professor of English Emeritus at Roanoke College.

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