Nowhere Left To Fall: A Friends-to-Lovers, Rockstar, Romantic Suspense, Royalty Trilogy

· A Royal Trilogy 1. liburua · Kat Mizera
64 iritzi
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Being a prince is a royal headache.

Erik is in line for the throne, but he's never wanted any of it. It doesn't help that his cousin is pushing the kingdom to the brink of civil war and he feels dutybound to stop him. Falling back in love with his childhood crush was never the plan, but it’s the only piece of his life he's determined to protect.

Following in her father’s footsteps, Casey took up the family business: being a rock star. But when she came off tour, she was hit with a devastating blow. She reached out to Erik for support, falling in love in the process. She wasn't expecting to be swept into a royal drama.

They have each other, but not much else. There's nowhere left to fall...

Keywords: Royal, Prince, Rockstar, Friends to Lovers,

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