Object Oriented Programming Properties Explained in C#: Beginner Guide

· Chittaranjan Dhurat via PublishDrive
8 umsagnir

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Book Description

This book explains Object Oriented Programming Properties with easy to understand examples and simple language.

Level: Beginner to Intermediate

Are you looking for learning object oriented programming properties with simple language and easy to understand examples?

Have you just started to learn Object Oriented Programming in C# or you have some experience with it and want to learn some basic properties of object oriented programming?

Are you a beginner programmer or intermediate level programmer who wants to gain strong hold on object oriented programming with C# language by being expertise with OOPs properties?

Is your concept of Object Oriented Programming Properties is not yet clear?

Then this is the perfect guide for you.

What you will learn in this book?
1. What is OOP?
2. Classes and Objects
3. Inheritance
4. Polymorphism
5. Abstract Classes
6. Interface
7. Aggregation, Composition & Encapsulation

Please note that this book is NOT the complete guide on Object Oriented Programming. The focus of this book is to explain the basic properties of Object Oriented Programming with C# language. So that programmers can have strong base for more complex OOP programming.

This is a short book which will help you to understand the Object Oriented Programming Properties in C# very quickly.

Download you copy today!

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