Off-Season: The Scoring Series: A Seattle Sockeyes Hockey Romance (Sports Romance)

· The Scoring Series Кніга 6 · Cedrona Enterprises
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I just ended my rookie year with the Seattle Sockeyes in a win-or-go-home game, and we went home. I played a big part in that loss thanks in part to my lack of team play. It's time to lick my wounds, re-examine my role, and come to terms with demons I've been avoiding for too long. I buy an RV and take to the wilderness for a little solitude and lot of soul-searching. Just me, my dog Bones, and nature. There's one problem. My campsite neighbor is a too-cheerful, busy-body camp host. She brings out the worst in me, but I can't stop thinking about sharing a sleeping bag with her.


As a brand ambassador for a large RV manufacturer, it's my job to make sure everyone is enjoying their camping experience. Usually I'm quite good at fixing problems and assisting campers until I meet the hot, grumpy hockey player next door. He claims he wants to be left alone; but after one look at his lost expression, I'm certain that's the last thing he needs. To complicate things, we have chemistry, the kind which blazes past all misgivings and singes everyone in sight.

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Звесткі пра аўтара

USA Today Bestselling Author Jami Davenport writes sexy contemporary and sports romances, including her Seattle Sockeyes, Steelheads, and The Scoring series. A former computer geek, Jami has recently achieved her life-long dream of becoming a full-time author. She lives on a small farm near Puget Sound with her Army Ranger-turned-plumber husband and assorted animals who make guest appearances in her books.

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