Off the Edge: a gritty, sexy romantic suspense spy novel!

· The Associates መጽሐፍ 2 · Carolyn Crane
48 ግምገማዎች

ስለዚህ ኢ-መጽሐፍ

Hunted by her psycho ex-husband for years, Lanie flees across the globe to start a new life in Bangkok with a whole new identity. 

She thought she was safe…but now familiar faces are appearing in the crowds. 

Has her past caught up with her?  

The last person she wants to turn to is her mysterious new frenemy—sexy, arrogant Professor Peter Maxwell. 

What could a linguistics expert do to help her, anyway? 

It’s not as if he’s a badass secret agent with a unique way of solving crimes. 


“Full of action and sparkling chemistry between Laney and Peter, this book is so much fun to read.” ~USA Today

“Addictive and loads of fun to read…one of the very best romantic suspense novels I read this year.”  ~Dabney, The Passionate Reader

“Do yourself a favor and pick up this Carolyn Crane book. It is unique and stimulating and one of my favorites for this year.” ~Sunny, Love Affair with an Ereader

"Full of action and sparkling chemistry between Laney and Peter, this book is so much fun to read." ~USA Today  

“Wow...this book was most definitely a keep-you-at-the-edge-of-your-seat kind of novel. I went to bed when I was around the 60-65% novel, then woke up wide awake at 2:00 AM thinking about the book. There was no way I was going to go back to sleep until I finished the book. Yes, it was one of those.” ~Smitten with Reading

~Winner of the RITA award for excellence in romance fiction~

~ Named a 'Desert Island Keeper' at All About Romance ~  

Top Romantic suspense novel, romance novel, steamy romance, thriller

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48 ግምገማዎች


Carolyn Crane is a RITA® Award-winning author of romantic suspense and urban fantasy (and she writes erotic & dark romance as NYT bestselling author Annika Martin). She makes her home in Minnesota with her husband and two cats.

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