On Becoming Fearless...in Love, Work, and Life

· Sotuvchi: Little, Brown Spark
4 ta sharh
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Author, syndicated columnist, occasional actress, and businesswoman Ariana Huffington examines the ways in which fear affects the lives of women, and the steps anyone can take to conquer fear.

Observing that her own teenage daughters were beginning to experience some of the same fears that had once burdened her

-- How attractive am I? Do people like me? Do I dare speak up? --

Arianna Huffington was compelled to look at the subject and impact of fear. In stories drawn from her own experiences and with contributions from Nora Ephron, Diane Keaton and many others, she points toward the moments of extraordinary strength, courage, and resilience that result from confronting and overcoming fear.

Her book shows us how to become bold from the inside out: from feeling comfortable in our own skin, to getting what we want in love and at work, to changing the world.

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4 ta sharh

Muallif haqida

Arianna Huffington is a nationally syndicated columnist, author of 11 books, and the cofounder and editor of online magazine TheHuffingtonPost.com. She lives in Los Angeles with her two daughters.

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