Once a Warrior: A Novel

· The Warriors 1-kitob · Sotuvchi: Bantam
21 ta sharh
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Her stories are tender and sensual, humorous and deeply involving.  Now Karyn Monk offers her most enthralling romance ever: a tale of a shattered hero fighting for redemption--and fighting for love...

Ariella MacKendrick knew her people had only one hope for survival: she must find the mighty warrior known as the Black Wolf and bring him home to defend
her clan. But when Ariella finally tracks him down, Malcolm MacFane is nothing like the hero she dreamed he would be.  

The fearless laird who once led a thousand men is a drunken shell of his former self, scarred inside and out, with no army in sight.  Yet Ariella has no choice but to put her trust in MacFane.  And soon something begins to stir in the fallen legend.  A fire still rages in his warrior heart--a passion that could lead them into battle...a desire, barely leashed, that could brand a Highland beauty's soul.

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21 ta sharh

Muallif haqida

Karyn Monk has been writing since she was a little girl. While attending university, she discoverd a love for history. After several years working in the highly charged world of advertising, she turned to writing historical romance. She is married with two children.

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