One Kind Note

· One Kind Deed Series 第 5 本图书 · Christine DePetrillo


"I don’t think I’m in the wrong place at the wrong time right now. I think I’m exactly where I should be."

When is it time to institute a no-dating rule? For hair stylist Violet Demetri that time comes when she realizes she’s on a date with her brother. Okay, okay. Not a real date, but it feels that way while she sits next to him at a Drei concert. Her brother bought the tickets to Violet’s favorite band for her birthday, and of course she’s incredibly grateful to her favorite family member—the only family member to ever give a crap about her. It would have been nice to have an actual date to the show though. All Violet seems to do these days in the world of dating is make colossal mistakes. The no-dating rule commences now.


When the spotlight hits Dawson Kingsford, cellist for Drei, giving up dating seems like a shame. He’s as beautiful as his music, and Violet is enchanted as is every other person in that packed theater. Fantasizing about a famous, talented musician like Dawson noticing her is ridiculous. He is up on the stage, and she is just another face in the crowd. Worlds apart really.


Until those worlds collide. Literally. 


Is one kind note enough to make a love song that will last a lifetime?



One Kind Note is a meeting-a-famous-person, small-town, contemporary romance that features a sweet, parrot-owning heroine and a musician hero looking for more than adoring fans.

The One Kind Deed Series, contemporary romance

"I want to live in this town! The characters were so real!"

Other Series by Christine DePetrillo

The Maple Leaf Series, contemporary romance (6 books)

"Fears, pride, love, passion ~ beautifully woven together with substance and depth."

The Shielded Series, sci-fi romance (3 books)

"Great world-building, excellent emotional depth, and a great ending..."

The Warrior Wolves Series, paranormal romance (5 books)

"Full of memorable characters with a solid plot and plenty of passion."


Christine DePetrillo can often be found hugging trees, conversing with dragonflies, and walking barefoot through​sun-warmed soil. She finds joy in listening to the wind, bathing in moonlight, and breathing in the fragrances of things that bloom. If she had her way, the sky would be the only roof over her head.

Her love of nature seeps into every story she tells. As does her obsession with bearded mountain men who build, often smell like sawdust, and know how to cherish the women they love. Today she writes tales meant to make you laugh, maybe make you sweat, and definitely make you believe in the power of love.

She lives in Rhode Island and occasionally Vermont with her husband and her cat who defend her fiercely from all evils.

Find her at




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