One Night, Two Babies / Valente's Baby: One Night, Two Babies (The Illegitimate Heirs) / Valente's Baby (Mills & Boon Desire)

· The Illegitimate Heirs 5. liburua · HarperCollins UK
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One Night, Two Babies Kathie DeNosky

Heiress Arielle Garnier was pregnant – with twins – and the father-to-be was nowhere in sight – until he barged into her office. Zach Forsythe, billionaire resort owner, was the man she’d had a week-long affair with. Why had Zach lied about his name and left her without a word?

Valente’s Baby Maxine Sullivan For Matthew Valente, paternity trumped everything. Never mind that his ex-employee Lana had kept his baby a secret for nearly a year or that he considered her a liar and a thief. Their child would bear the Valente name...and so would she!

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Egileari buruz

USA Today Bestselling Author, Kathie DeNosky, writes highly emotional stories laced with a good dose of humor. Kathie lives in her native southern Illinois and loves writing at night while listening to country music on her favorite radio station.

USA TODAY Bestselling Author, Maxine Sullivan, credits her mother for her love of romance novels, so it was natural for Maxine to want to write them. This led to over 20 years of submitting stories and never giving up her dream of being published. That dream came true in 2006 when Maxine sold her first book to Harlequin Desire. Maxine can be contacted through her website at

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