One Wore Blue: Civil War Series

· Camerons Saga: Civil War Trilogy 1-kitob · Sotuvchi: Loveswept
17 ta sharh
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Heather Graham’s seductive Civil War trilogy begins with an unlikely Yankee forced to choose between loyalty to the cause and the love of a Southern belle.
The privileged daughter of a Virginia plantation owner, Kiernan Miller can’t imagine that her idyllic life will ever change—nor her days in the company of her devastatingly handsome neighbor, Jesse Cameron, a boy who returns her desire, kiss by tempestuous kiss. Then Jesse commits the one sin that Kiernan can never forgive: He abandons his roots for the Union army. Though Kiernan marries another, a part of her will always love the rebel in blue.
To follow his conscience, Jesse Cameron must sacrifice his heart. He deserts his hometown, turns against his own brother, and rides away from the woman he loves. But he vows that it will not be forever. Now, bringing the war to Kiernan’s front door, Jesse has returned as the enemy, intent on winning back the widow with emerald eyes and sun-kissed hair—the beauty who has branded him a traitor.
Includes a special message from the editor, as well as excerpts from these Loveswept titles: Flirting with Disaster, Taking Shots, and Long Simmering Spring.

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17 ta sharh

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New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Heather Graham majored in theater arts at the University of South Florida. Her first book was published by Dell, and since then she has written more than one hundred novels and novellas. Married since high school graduation and the mother of five, Graham asserts that her greatest love in life remains her family, but she also believes that her career has been an incredible gift. Romance Writers of America presented Heather Graham with the RWA Lifetime Achievement Award in 2003.

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