The foundation of the wall is of twelue precious stones, the Iasper, the Saphire, the Calcedonicke, the Emerauld, the Sardonix, the Sardius, the Chrysolith, the Berill, the Topaze, the Chrysophrase, the Hyacinth, the Amethist. In this wall were twelue gates, in all poynts correspondent vnto the statelinesse of the wall, three toward the East, as many toward the West, also three towarde the North, and three toward the South: euerie seuerall gate is one of those twelue seuerall precious stones, and no one of the gates without all the rest of the stones, but they are not so much beautified by them, as by the presence of twelue princes, which stand in euery of the twelue gates one, who seeme there to abide, onely as allurements to their citie, if any beeing weary of the worlds illusions, should indeuour too seeke theyr safetie, for neyther haue they any cause to looke vnto their gates, nor any custome to locke them.
And no worse then princes can stande at his gates, all whose houshold are princes, euerie one of them rich, because they cannot enioy more then they doe: all happie, because they cannot become lesse then they are, and onely contend, who shall to their power giue him most praise, who hath filled their harts with such ioy, as neither eye hath seene, eare hath heard, nor heart, (but their owne) can conceiue, and furnished all their senses with such delight, as still they couet, but neuer want, still they taste, but are neuer glutted, because they no sooner wish, then haue, and euery taste giueth a fresh appetite. If the verie pauement of their streetes bee of most pure gold, and the foundation of their walles of most precious stones, thinke what ornaments are those which are within theyr Pallaces. No night succeedeth their day, no winters colde, nor summers heate, disturbeth that temperature, which an euerlasting spring-time maintaineth in liuely vigour. One Kingdome contenteth them all, and because they all hold it of one, in whome onelie they ioy, and by whome they enioy it; they know not how to liue, but as one; no one enuyeth at anothers good, both because euery one hath what his heart can desire, and also for that they all haue one obiect, which so mightily draweth all their powers to the continuall loue, and looking thereon, as they haue neither power nor leysure to apply themselues to any other, more then that they loue each other, in respect that euerie one loueth him, who, as each thinketh, cannot bee loued too much.