Palmer Entity: Supernatural Suspense with Scary & Horrifying Monsters

· Asylum Series წიგნი 2 · Scare Street
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Some nightmares are too terrifying to forget…

Paul Mahan just wants to put everything behind him. The shadowy halls of Rookwood apartments, the building’s bloodstained past, and most of all, the chilling supernatural presence he encountered there…

But when Neve Cotter, a former Rookwood resident, reaches out to him for help, Paul finds himself unable to turn away. Neve’s daughter, Ella, has been possessed by a tortured spirit that Paul freed from Rookwood’s haunted grounds. Feeling responsible for the girl’s pain, he agrees to accompany a paranormal TV show into the abandoned building, hoping to find a cure for Ella’s curse.

As Paul leads the group into Rookwood’s labyrinth of shadows and illusions, he discovers that the dark, powerful presence that haunts his nightmares has returned. And it’s stronger than ever before. This malignant entity feeds off an ancient power, a darkness that has festered within the building’s walls for centuries.

Even the destruction of Rookwood may not be enough to end its reign of terror…

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5 მიმოხილვა

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David Longhorn was born in North East England long before the internet, but fortunately they had plenty of books in those days! He enjoyed reading all sorts of fact and fiction in childhood and also became a huge fan of old horror movies and the BBC’s Ghost Stories for Christmas on television, despite losing a lot of sleep as a result.

He went on to get a degree in English Studies, which somehow led him to a career in local government, which in turn took him into a recording studio where he provided voice-overs, read news, and did a lot of other audio stuff. It’s been that kind of life, really – a bit random but quite interesting. All the while he was reading and writing supernatural fiction, influenced by both the classic tales of writers like Ambrose Bierce, M.R. James, and Edgar Allan Poe, but also by modern masters such as Stephen King. He hopes to write a lot more about the world of the dead and undead, assuming they let him…

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