Parvana's Journey

· Allen & Unwin
13 водгукаў
Электронная кніга

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Imagine that your house has been destroyed by bombs, your friends have fled or been killed, your mother, sister and little brother are missing, and today you buried your father... Homeless and alone, Parvana begins a desperate journey through war-torn Afghanistan in search of her family. Living in constant fear of the Taliban, often without food or water in the barren landscape, Parvana and the children she rescues journey on foot through a country laid waste by years of conflict, in search of peace and safety.

Parvana's Journey is about a young girl's talent for friendship, hope and gritty determination despite the ravages of war. Sometimes shocking and sad, always compelling, this novel takes an honest, compassionate look at the situation in Afghanistan, and the courage and resilience that can keep children afloat even in the most terrible circumstances.

A sequel to the international bestseller, Parvana.

Ацэнкі і агляды

13 водгукаў

Звесткі пра аўтара

Deborah Ellis has been to Afghan refugee camps and heard many stories like Parvana's. All the royalties from this book will be donated to Women for Women in Afghanistan, dedicated to the education of Afghan girls in refugee camps in Pakistan.

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