Passion's Price

· يتم البيع عن طريق Kimani Press
3 مراجعات
كتاب إلكتروني

معلومات عن هذا الكتاب الإلكتروني

Determined to prove herself to her siblings and her boss, Darlene Cunningham has made a name in the exciting, sometimes dangerous world of criminal law. When Darlene travels to Memphis in pursuit of a witness, the Maryland attorney doesn't expect to be under the surveillance of the rugged Tennessee cop who sets off sensual sparks from the moment they meet.

It's a one-two punch straight to his heart when the sultry beauty walks into the house Mike Raines is staking out. He can't let Darlene compromise his investigation. And he can't let her go. His desire is tempting the detective to break a few laws of his own—like the one that says never mix business with pleasure. But how can he resist the passionate woman who has changed his life? And whose love he'll risk any danger to claim?

التقييمات والتعليقات

3 مراجعات

نبذة عن المؤلف

Gwynne Forster is an Essence bestselling author and has won numerous awards for fiction, including the Gold Pen Award, the RT Book Reviews Lifetime Achievement Award. She holds a bachelor’s and master’s degrees in sociology and a master’s degree in economics/demography and has traveled and/or worked in sixty-three countries. She lives in New York with her husband.

تقييم هذا الكتاب الإلكتروني

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