Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture, On Patterns and Pattern Languages

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· លក់​​ដោយ John Wiley & Sons
ការវាយតម្លៃ 5


* Software patterns have revolutionized the way developers think about how software is designed, built, and documented, and this unique book offers an in-depth look of what patterns are, what they are not, and how to use them successfully
* The only book to attempt to develop a comprehensive language that integrates patterns from key literature, it also serves as a reference manual for all pattern-oriented software architecture (POSA) patterns
* Addresses the question of what a pattern language is and compares various pattern paradigms
* Developers and programmers operating in an object-oriented environment will find this book to be an invaluable resource

ការដាក់ផ្កាយ និងមតិវាយតម្លៃ

ការវាយតម្លៃ 5


Frank Buschmann is a Senior Principal Engineer for systems and software architecture at Siemens Corporate Technology in Munich. He focuses on digitalization strategies and technologies, the design and realization of industrial automation systems and research in software design and engineering technologies. He has served as serves as an editor of the Wiley Series in Software Design Patterns.

Kevlin Henney, Curbralan, Bristol, UK.

Douglas C. Schmidt, Vanderbilt University.




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