Penny: An AffinityVerse Story

· AffinityVerse Prequels 1. liburua · Orlando House Publishing
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A lonely teen awaits her salvation unaware that her savior will bring with him magical secrets that will change her life forever.

Penny Summers thinks she knows what’s heading her way: Logan Collins, the boy of her dreams – quite literally. But what she doesn’t know is that Logan will bring with him a dark legacy that will unlock secrets from her tragic past. Can she outwit the dangerous magical forces threatening to pull her and Logan apart before they even meet – and before she has a chance to put her broken life back together?

This fantasy thriller prequel to The Meridia Falls Chronicles will give you that thrill ride of fast paced, event TV. Twists and turns that will not only keep you on the edge of your seat, but have you clinging to it for dear life.

If you LOVE Suzanne Collins, Ursula Le Guin, Stephenie Meyer, and J.K. Rowling, you won’t be able to get enough of the magical, exciting, and mind-blowing Meridia Falls Chronicles.

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