Perfect Balance: Create Time and Space for All Parts of Your Life

· Продаје Penguin
1 рецензија
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О овој е-књизи

Won't life be perfect when . . .
…you feel you have all the time in the world—for work, family and friends, your own needs and development.
…you're motivated and inspired to perform your best.
…you make sound decisions and quickly recover from setbacks.
…your world is simple and uncluttered.
…your life has meaning and purpose.
…you discover real peace and contentment.

All this is possible. In Perfect Balance, Paul Wilson reveals the strategies and techniques for finding balance among all the parts of your busy life.
You can do this without working harder or longer. By taking Wilson’s approach—The Calm Way™—you’ll bring all your resources into play at once to achieve perfect balance in your life. The Calm Way™ works on the principle that the best way to accomplish your goals is by adopting a more relaxed and balanced attitude.
Included in this edition is Wilson’s patented Life Priorities Calculator, a group of enjoyable exercises to help determine what is essential as you make your way through life. Perform them once a year, or as often as you feel necessary, and you’ll discover a new clarity about yourself and your life, and the most profitable method to structure your ambitions and goals.

Оцене и рецензије

1 рецензија

О аутору

Paul Wilson is a self-described spiritual "uncomplicator.” Wilson is also known for bein a teacher, author, musician and more. He previously wrote a syndicated newspaper column on meditation and peacefulness that had a weekly audience of several million readers. He is most known for writing over a dozen books with the word ‘calm’ in the title. His books have been translated into two dozen languages and sold over 10 million copies.

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