Perfect Poison: A Peggy Lee Garden Mystery

· A Penny Lee Garden Mystery 4. liburua · Saltzailea: Penguin
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Meet Peggy Lee: forensic botanist, detective’s widow, and owner of The Potting Shed, an urban gardener’s paradise in downtown Charlotte. While the summer heat is stifling her shop’s business, death is always in season.
While attending a funeral in nearby Badin, Peggy learns of more bad news: a diver is found dead while performing routine work on the local dam. Then, days later, a woman is recovered from the swimming pool of a Charlotte home. When the body surfaces, so do the clues—including an unusual plant wound in the victim’s hair. The police call forensic botanist Peggy Lee to the scene, but her findings only raise more questions. What do these two deaths have in common? And how did duckweed end up in a pool?
Peggy is happy to lend her green thumb to the investigation, but this may be the one time digging for a killer leaves her empty-handed.

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Joyce and Jim Lavene have written more than forty novels together, including the Retired Witches Spellbook mysteries, the Missing Pieces mysteries, the Renaissance Faire mysteries, the Peggy Lee Garden mysteries, and the Sharyn Howard mysteries. They also write short stories, non-fiction articles and teach writing workshops. Their hobbies include gardening—they’re certified Master Gardeners—and attending Renaissance Faires.

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