Peripheral Involvement

· Bob Waldner


Jack Caufield never imagined that he would wake up one day and find a
dead woman in his bed. That sort of thing wasn't supposed to happen to
guys like him. He was on his way to law school, but instead of fielding
Socratic questions from law professors, he finds himself facing the
third degree from a bunch of angry cops. Despite their efforts, they
find nothing incriminating, and Jack is allowed to get on with his
education and his life.
Over the next fifteen
years, he becomes a modestly successful corporate lawyer, a well-paid
but insignificant cog in the Wall Street machine. He's resigned to
playing a disappointing role in the system that he has come to disdain,
until he learns that his encounter with that unlucky girl may not have
been coincidental. Confronted with the possibility that the men who run
the prestigious financial institution that he now represents may have
been involved in a shocking conspiracy, his search for the truth is
complicated by the knowledge that discovering it could cost him the
career that he's spent his life chasing.
Involvement explores Jack's struggle to reconcile the reality of his
life against his expectations and to refine his understanding of
success. Along the way, it looks at the absurdity of the modern-day
financial industry, the current state of the American Dream, our
propensity for self-deception... and baseball.


Bob Waldner was born and raised in New Jersey, before heading off to Duke University and the University of Michigan Law School. He practices law in New York, where he lives with his wife, Erinn, and his daughters Maureen and Madeleine. Someday, he hopes to figure out what he wants to be when he grows up. 




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