Phantom Horse

· Saddle Club(R) 59 knyga · Pardavėjas „Skylark“
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Ever since strange Troy became a stable hand at Pine Hollow, Carole has been creeped out. Troy's scary story about a phantom horse has made her wonder about Starlight. Could her beloved bay horse really be possessed by an evil spirit that appears once every 13 years? He's been acting so strange! Soon Carole's dreams are filled with images of a red-eyed Starlight, snorting, rearing, pawing, and ready to turn on his owner!

Apie autorių

Bonnie Bryant is the author of nearly a hundred books about horses, including the Saddle Club series, Saddle Club Super Editions, and the Pony Tails series. She began writing the Saddle Club books in 1986. She had done some riding before that, but she intensified her studies and found herself learning right along with her characters, although she claims that Stevie, Carole, and Lisa are all much better riders than she is.

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