Pheasants, Turkeys and Geese: Their Management for Pleasure and Profit

· Read Books Ltd
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Այս էլ․ գրքի մասին

This vintage book contains a detailed guide to keeping pheasants, turkeys, and geese. It covers everything from general management to housing, diet, breeding, selection, and even marketing. Profusely illustrated and full of practical information, "Pheasants, Turkeys and Geese: Their Management for Pleasure and Profit" will be of considerable utility to modern farmers, smallholders, and other keepers of poultry. Contents include: "Stock Pheasants for Breeding Purposes", "Pheasants in Enclosed Runs", "Grass for Stock Pheasants", "Feeding Pheasants", "Sitting and Hatching", "Hatching Pheasants under Hens", "Feeding and Management of Young Pheasants", "Diseases", "Coops and Runs for Young Pheasants", "Pheasant Runs", et cetera. Many vintage books such as this are increasingly scarce and expensive. We are republishing this volume now in an affordable, modern, high-quality edition complete with its original artwork and text.

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