Philosophy 101: From Plato and Socrates to Ethics and Metaphysics, an Essential Primer on the History of Thought

· Pardavėjas „Simon and Schuster“
27 apžvalgos
El. knyga

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Discover the world's greatest thinkers and their groundbreaking notions!

Too often, textbooks turn the noteworthy theories, principles, and figures of philosophy into tedious discourse that even Plato would reject. Philosophy 101 cuts out the boring details and exhausting philosophical methodology, and instead, gives you a lesson in philosophy that keeps you engaged as you explore the fascinating history of human thought and inquisition.

From Aristotle and Heidegger to free will and metaphysics, Philosophy 101 is packed with hundreds of entertaining philosophical tidbits, illustrations, and thought puzzles that you won't be able to find anywhere else.

So whether you're looking to unravel the mysteries of existentialism, or just want to find out what made Voltaire tick, Philosophy 101 has all the answers--even the ones you didn't know you were looking for.

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27 apžvalgos

Apie autorių

Paul Kleinman learned a ton of crap from the University of Wisconsin. He now expands his knowledge base as a freelance writer, researching and writing about a ton of different crap every day.

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