Piano Adventures - Level 2A Gold Star Performance Book

· Hal Leonard Corporation

Informacje o e-booku

(Faber Piano Adventures ). Features new piano solos for the mid-elementary pianist from Nancy and Randall Faber, some with optional teacher duet parts. These pieces present a broad range of styles to enhance the young musician's awareness of classical, jazz, folk, and impressionistic sounds. Repeated listening and play-along with the included online audio will familiarize students with diverse musical textures and sonorities, including a piano sonatina with orchestra. Contains songs and pieces like: I Love the Mountains * Little Ghost's Recital * Snappin' Harriet * and Grandpa Leprechaun.

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Zainstaluj aplikację Książki Google Play na AndroidaiPada/iPhone'a. Synchronizuje się ona automatycznie z kontem i pozwala na czytanie w dowolnym miejscu, w trybie online i offline.
Laptopy i komputery
Audiobooków kupionych w Google Play możesz słuchać w przeglądarce internetowej na komputerze.
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