Pieces of Light: How the New Science of Memory Illuminates the Stories We Tell About Our Pasts

· Harper Collins
19ଟି ସମୀକ୍ଷା

ଏହି ଇବୁକ୍ ବିଷୟରେ

In a blend of memoir and science, a psychologist presents a “thoughtful exploration” of autobiographical memory (Booklist).

A new consensus is emerging among cognitive scientists: rather than possessing fixed, unchanging memories, we create new recollections each time we are called upon to remember. As psychologist Charles Fernyhough explains, remembering is an act of narrative imagination as much as it is the product of a neurological process. In Pieces of Light, he illuminates this compelling scientific breakthrough in a series of personal stories, each illustrating memory’s complex synergy of cognitive and neurological functions.

Combining science and literature, the ordinary and the extraordinary, this fascinating tour through the new science of autobiographical memory helps us better understand the ways we remember—and the ways we forget.

Book of the Year: Sunday Times, Sunday Express, and New Scientist

ମୂଲ୍ୟାଙ୍କନ ଓ ସମୀକ୍ଷା

19ଟି ସମୀକ୍ଷା

ଲେଖକଙ୍କ ବିଷୟରେ

Charles Fernyhough is an award-winning writer and psychologist. His books include A Thousand Days of Wonder: A Scientist's Chronicle of His Daughter's Developing Mind and the novels The Auctioneer and A Box of Birds. He has written for the Guardian, the Financial Times, and the Sunday Telegraph; contributes to NPR's Radiolab; blogs for Psychology Today; and is a professor of psychology at Durham University in the United Kingdom.

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