The apocalypse begins with love and a lie...
Marlow has spent most of her life believing the shadowy demon she loves isn't real. Not only is he the living, breathing Prince of Hell, but he is now in serious danger. Their reunion is cut short as Caliban remains in a vicious battle with a Phoenician goddess after Marlow's escape. To save him, Marlow must venture into her ancestors' domain for help—the Norse Pantheon—where shared blood is no guarantee of an alliance and the line between gods and beasts blurs.
Major players from even more realms team up in the ever-growing war between Heaven and Hell, and it will be up to Marlow to determine friend from foe to get Caliban back and save her world as she knows it. No one said the games of gods would be easy, but Marlow is prepared to sacrifice everything to save the one she loves.
Piper C.J., author of the bisexual fantasy series The Night and Its Moon, Villains, and No Other Gods, is a photographer, hobby linguist, and French fry enthusiast. She has an M.A. in folklore and a B.A. in broadcasting, which she used in her former life as a morning-show weather girl, hockey podcaster, and in audio documentary work. Now when she isn’t playing with her dogs, she’s binging cartoons, studying fairy tales, or disappointing her parents.