Pirates: A History: A History

· The History Press
2 сын-пикир
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Most histories of piracy start with the Caribbean in the 1500s and move on to the 'golden age' from the 1660s to the 1720s, with chapters on the Barbary corsairs, Chinese piracy and a brief look at modern piracy. These areas cannot be overlooked, but Pirates: A History is a comprehensive history of piracy, starting with the ancient and classical periods, then shifting to the Middle Ages and the Mediterranean, before treating the more traditional areas of the Caribbean, the 'golden age' of piracy in the west, the Barbary corsairs, Chinese and Eastern piracy, and finally modern piracy.

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2 сын-пикир

Автор жөнүндө

Tim Travers has taught the history of piracy at University of Calgary for more than 20 years. His other titles include Gallipoli 1915, How the War Was Won, and The Killing Ground. He lives in Victoria, British Columbia.

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