Pitch Black: A FREE Romantic Thriller

· Blackwood Security 1. liburua · Undercover Publishing Limited
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What happens when an assassin has a nervous breakdown?

After the owner of a security company is murdered, his sharp-edged wife goes on the run. Forced to abandon everything she holds dear—her home, her friends, her job in special ops—she builds a new life for herself in England. As Ashlyn Hale, she meets Luke, a handsome local who makes her realise just how lonely she is.

Yet, even in the sleepy village of Lower Foxford, the dark side of life dogs Diamond’s trail when the unthinkable strikes. Forced out of hiding, she races against time to save those she cares about. But is it too little, too late? 

Although one story arc is concluded in this book, Diamond’s full story is told over books 1-3 in the Blackwood Security series. Pitch Black is a full-length romantic suspense novel.

Keywords: romantic suspense, romance ebook, free romance, free romantic suspense, free romantic thriller, romantic thriller, private investigator, top romance reads, contemporary romance, series starter, free, mystery, female protagonist, woman sleuth, London, England, good romantic suspense, best romantic suspense

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