Play It Again

· From the Files of Madison Finn Кніга 3 · Open Road Media
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DIVDIVWhen Far Hills Junior High puts on a play, can Madison survive the drama?/divDIV
The seventh grade gets stage fever when Far Hills Junior High decides to perform the musical The Wiz. Since Madison doesn’t sing or dance, stage manager seems like the perfect role for her—until she begins to feel left out from all the cast action. Worst of all, her two best friends are partnering up with their nemesis, Ivy, both in and out of rehearsal. The play is bringing out the worst in her enemies and her friends, and Madison isn’t sure where she fits in anymore. How can she be the glue keeping the play together when she herself feels so unglued?/div/div

Звесткі пра аўтара

DIVAuthor Laura Dower has a lot in common with Madison Finn: They’re both only children and they both love dogs, the color orange, and books! Laura has written more than ninety kids’ books to date, including twenty-five in the series From the Files of Madison Finn. Her other books include the new Palace Puppies series and For Girls Only, a guide to girl stuff. When she’s not writing, Laura loves to garden, sing (loudly), and volunteer as a scout leader for her daughter and two sons. She and her family live in New York. Want to be keypals? Drop her a note at  /div

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