Plum Creek Bride

· HarperCollins Australia

ამ ელწიგნის შესახებ


Erika Scharf Had Always Followed Her Heart

Now it had led her to America, and a tortured man with a motherless infant. But would the widowed Dr. Jonathan Callender ever recover from his grief?

Whatever drove him had died with his young wife or so it seemed to Jonathan Callender. He knew only that nothing mattered anymore until the day a German whirlwind disguised as the very determined Erika Scharf charged into his life and made his heart live again.

ავტორის შესახებ

Lynna Banning combines a lifelong love of history and literature into a satisfying career as a writer. In the past she has worked as an editor and technical writer, and has taught English and journalism. An amateur pianist and harpsichordist, Lynna performs on psaltery, harp, and recorders with two medieval music groups and coaches ensembles in her spare time. She lives in Felton, in the Santa Cruz Mountains, with two cats and a very nervous canary.

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