Plymouth Rocks!: The Stone-Cold Truth

· Charlesbridge Publishing
Sách điện tử

Giới thiệu về sách điện tử này

Prolific storyteller Jane Yolen marks the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower's arrival by channeling the voice of Plymouth Rock itself. A funny (and fact-checked!) look at a historical monument.

The history of Plymouth Rock is explained--by the rock itself. Playful, clever verses offer a comprehensive window into the events leading up to the 1620 landing and beyond, dispelling common misconceptions along the way. Alternating with Rock's poems is a witty analysis of the truthfulness of its statements, told in the voice of the Fact Checker. Truly a book for today's savvy media consumers.

Giới thiệu tác giả

Jane Yolen is the award-winning author of over three hundred children's books including Last Laughs: Prehistoric Epitaphs; Last Laughs: Animal Epitaphs; Bad Girls (with Heidi E. Y. Stemple); Owl Moon, a Caldecott Medal Winner; the How Do Dinosaurs . . . ? series; and Sea Queens. She has been called the Hans Christian Andersen of the Americas.

Sam Streed is a children's book author/illustrator, game artist, and animator. He is the author/illustrator of Alfred's Book of Monsters and is a graduate of Rhode Island School of Design.

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