Pop Sonnets: Shakespearean Spins on Your Favorite Songs

· Quirk Books විසින් විකුණයි
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මෙම ඉ-පොත ගැන

A Goodreads Choice Award nominee

The Bard meets the Backstreet Boys in this collection of 100 classic pop songs reimagined as Shakespearean sonnets

This hilarious book of poetry transforms disco staples, classic rock anthems, and recent chart-toppers into hilarious iambic pentameter! All your favorite songs are here, including hits by Jay-Z, Johnny Cash, Katy Perry, Michael Jackson, Talking Heads, and many others.
An entertaining journey into the world of Elizabethan poetry, and based on the immensely popular Tumblr of the same name, Pop Sonnets is the perfect gift for Shakespeare fans and music lovers alike.

“Ever wonder what Taylor Swift and Beyoncé would sound like in iambic pentameter? We hadn’t either, but now we can't get enough.” TIME

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කර්තෘ පිළිබඳ

Erik Didriksen is a software engineer, musician, sonneteer, and trivia enthusiast. He resides in Astoria, New York.

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