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Elaine Feinstein has always written with most intensity about people. In this book, she remembers friends she has loved, writers she has known and literary figures from the past. She writes of the Russian poet Bella Akhmadulina with tender admiration; the East End poet Emanuel Litvinoff, at work in his Bloomsbury flat; and Masha Enzensberger, who brought Feinstein into the world of Marina Tsvetaeva. As she imagines Raymond Chandler, Isaac Rosenberg or Billie Holiday her words about them say things about herself. In the closing poem, Death and the Lemon Tree', she finds a compelling image for the privilege of continuing to write into old age.

Egileari buruz

Elaine Feinstein is a poet, a novelist, a biographer, and a translator. She has received many writing prizes, including a Cholmondeley Award for Poetry, Wingate and Arts Council Awards, and the Daisy Miller Prize for her experimental novel The Circle. She serves on the Council of the Royal Society of Literature, of which she is a fellow, as a judge and as chair of the judges for the T. S. Eliot Award. She is the translator of Marina Tsvetaeva's Bride of Ice: New Selected Poems and the author of Cities, It Goes with the Territory: Memoir of a Poet, and The Russian Jerusalem.

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