Positive Discipline in the Classroom, Revised 3rd Edition: Developing Mutual Respect, Cooperation, and Responsibility in Your Classroom

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· Prodajalec: Harmony
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The Acclaimed Bestseller That Can Improve Your Classroom Experience Forever!
Over the years, millions of parents have come to trust the classic Positive Discipline series for its consistent, commmonsense approach to child rearing. Hundreds of schools also use these amazingly effective strategies for restoring order and civility to today's turbulent classrooms. Now you too can use this philosophy as a foundation for fostering cooperation, problem-solving skills, and mutual respect in children. Imagine, instead of controlling behavior, you can be teaching; instead of confronting apathy, you will enjoy motivated, eager students! Inside, you'll discover how to:
·Create a classroom climate that enhances academic learning
·Use encouragement rather than praise and rewards
·Instill valuable social skills and positive behavior through the use of class meetings
·Understand the motivation behind students' behavior instead of looking for causes
·And much more!
Over 1 million Positive Discipline books sold!

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O avtorju

Jane Nelson, Ed.D., coauthor of the bestselling Positive Discipline series, is a licensed marriage, family, and child therapist. Her books have sold more than a million copies
Lynn Lott, M.A., a nationally known speaker and therapist, has coauthored three other books in the Positive Discipline series.
H. Stephen Glenn, Ph.D., also a popular speaker, is the coauthor of the bestselling classics Raising Self-Reliant Children in a Self-Indulgent World and 7 Strategies for Developing Capable Students (both from Prima).

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