Power Sleep: The Revolutionary Program That Prepares Your Mind for Peak Performance

· 销售商:Villard


"Rest is the basis of dynamic activity. . . . Want to be more creative, loving, and successful? Follow Dr. Maas's powerful practical advice for doing less but accomplishing more."        
--Harold H. Bloomfield, M.D., author of The Power of 5 and TM

"As the world speeds up and shrinks, physical energy and mental activity increase in importance, particularly with the drag of jet travel and 55-plus-hour workweeks. . . .  Here is a handbook for successful survival."        
--William E. Phillips, former chairman and CEO, Ogilvy & Mather

Do your eyelids feel heavy during afternoon meetings? Do you use caffeine to stay alert? Need a glass of wine to fall asleep? An alarm to get out of bed? These are all symptoms of sleep deficiency--signals that you are operating below your peak performance and beneath your mental capacity.

Despite popular perceptions, sleep is not a luxury--it is a necessity. Over 100 million Americans are sleep-deprived, and make crucial business and personal decisions in an impaired state. In Power Sleep, Dr. James B. Maas, pioneer of sleep research at Cornell University, provides an easy, drug-free way to improve your body and brain for an alert and productive tomorrow. With adequate sleep, your potential is renewed every morning.

Dr. Maas has lectured to top corporations around the country and the world on the importance of sleep. He has collected all of his research and time-tested formulas to create a lucid and easy program geared specifically toward helping you achieve peak performance in every aspect of your life. In Power Sleep, you'll find:

The golden rules of sleep
Twenty great sleep strategies
Do's and don'ts of sleeping pills and over-the-counter remedies
How to combat travel fatigue, including jet lag and drowsy driving
Tips for exhausted parents of newborns, infants, and toddlers
How to overcome sleep disorders, including insomnia

An important and practical book, Power Sleep will help you get the sleep you need to quickly and dramatically improve your mental and physical well-being.


James B. Maas, Ph.D., is professor, Stephen H. Weiss Presidential Fellow, and past chairman of the Department of Psychology at Cornell Uni-versity. He is a recipient of the American Psychological Association's Distinguished Educator Award. Dr. Maas makes frequent appearances on such programs as NBC Nightly News, Prime Time Live, the Today show, and Good Morning America.




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