Practical Homicide Investigation Checklist and Field Guide: Edition 2

· CRC Press
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This book provides protocols for suicide and equivocal death investigation, police action shooting investigations and a homicide supervisor's checklist. It contains state-of-the-art anatomical graphics in full color to assist the investigator in describing any injuries or wounds to the body.

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Commander Vernon Geberth is a retired lieutenant commander of the New York City Police Department with over 40 years of law enforcement experience. He is a nationally renowned lecturer, author, educator, consultant, and expert witness on the subject of death investigation. He has appeared on numerous local, national, and international television programs to answer questions on the subject of murder and provide insight, analysis, and commentary with respect to all aspects of homicide and death investigations. Geberth has been referenced as a media consultant on myriad national major cases across the United States and Canada. Over 69,500 members from over 8,000 law enforcement agencies have attended Geberth‘s Practical Homicide Investigation seminars. In his seminars, Geberth focuses on his textbooks stressing advanced tactics, procedures, and forensic techniques and presents equivocal death, suicide, and missed investigations as well as serial murder investigation and the application of abnormal psychology to the investigative process.

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