Pregnant at the Wedding

· Platinum Grooms Кніга 1 · Прадавец: Silhouette
17 водгукаў
Электронная кніга

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Pregnant after their one unforgettable night together, Ashley Smith knew she must tell Ryan Warner she was carrying his child. And when he insisted upon marriage, she reluctantly agreed. But it was for the baby's sake…she could care less about his wealth, his power, his position.

Ryan was used to being pursued for his money…yet his new bride claimed to have no ulterior motives. With the passion so intense between them, dare Ryan take a chance on the woman about to give him his billion-dollar heir?

Ацэнкі і агляды

17 водгукаў

Звесткі пра аўтара

Sara Orwig lives in Oklahoma and has a deep love of Texas. With a master’s degree in English, Sara taught high school English, was Writer-in-Residence at the University of Central Oklahoma and was one of the first inductees into the Oklahoma Professional Writers Hall of Fame. Sara has written mainstream fiction, historical and contemporary romance. Books are beloved treasures that take Sara to magical worlds. She loves both reading and writing them.

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